Well Tristan I just used my socks the last time, you won't feel much with shoes on. The Speed7 pedals are fairly stiff, especially the brake, he put a spring kit in them to bring the stiffness of the brake up and changed the calibration on them so it's closer to how a real pedal would work.
IE the first 1/4 throw is easy where the brake pressure doesn't change much, then you hit pressure and the brakes really start changing a lot with very little pedal movement. But because there is rubber insert riding inside the spring it takes considerable force to work that last bit of brake. It's not the same as having a piezoelectric sensor, or a hydraulic brake setup but it works. It still uses a change in the axis to do brake force, but the sensitivity is offset so the something like the last 1/4 throw is 3/4 of the brake force.
Whimp! I thought you worked in an auto shop, albeit a fancy one =) You don't need gloves =) The wheels are worn and sloppy, you may want gloves though to keep the rubber from going on yours hands. My hands got gritty after racing.
Problem is if he went with a 2.0 chances are the weight dist. would be thrown off, changing the handling of the car.
The focus's have good handling. They all come with multilink rear suspension, while most FWD's come with torsion beam. They are by far not the best, but nimble enough to have good fun in.
Dan the Mondeo and Focus are two completely different chassis... I donno what the difference in trim levels are though. I didn't think you could get suspension upgrades unless you with the RS package. The ST package only gives a HP increase and a change to the powersteering rack. Different wheels, which would help with cornering, but geometry and stiffness remained the same.
It is a buyers market ATM, but thats only because nobody has any huge amounts to cash to spend! On that note WTS 2005 Dodge SRT-4 ACR =) It's probably one of the few cars in the states that hasn't lost it's value...
I really need to lean my car out. It runs way too rich on the top end. It saves detonations, but cuts the power down, by as much as 30HP! And I 'should' get better fuel economy.
Fuel economy is only had by going slow, and in a faster car you will not be going as slow as you would in the slower car (figure that one out eh? =)
Economy is really had by keeping the engine stoich, but I think there is a wasteage factor when accelerating that gets worse the faster you accelerate, otherwise we would get the same gas millage regardless on how fast or slow we accelerate. I understand that different engines performe better/worse blah blah blah, but you hopefully get my point.
What I am getting at is even if they do post XXX for gas milage they don't mean didly unless you are driving like a grandma, and then whats the need for a faster car then? Other than burning more fuel and get less economy than you do now.
I vouch for what AJP said about powerful FWD's =) A slow car is just as fun, especially since most corners are spaced far enough apart for you to reach the speed limit again anyways! And faster than that really isn't an option. The road surfaces are too bumpy and too many cars/animal life to really open anything up. The times I do actually open'er up I usually have problems skittering the fronts from being thrown around under the brakes. Nevermind no traction in 1st in the dry and sometimes 3rd in the wet... Just on the dry my fronts don't settle into the pavement until I am mostly through second...at about 40-45MPH...
The thing is the car you have now, you know the history, you know that it's never been run through a plowed field and the undercarriage bent up or something else totally crazy. If your dad drove chances are he wasn't extermely hard on, at least nowhere near as hard a 17 year old kid! =)
If it honestly would cost that much to fix it's time you took your Dad's toolbox out and learned how to do a headgasket =) You would probably have to get the head planed, but even then it would be nowhere near what a garage will give you as an estimate.
£900 is peanuts for a first year driver and a great price, you won't find much less I don't think. Mine was £2,000 back in 02.
Check out what a neon insurance would be, they are insurance group 8. A 306 is 6 IIRC.
Civic's have a huge aftermarket business behind them. Parts would be relatively cheap, but I expect your insurance group wouldn't change much.
TBH £900 for a first year insurance is a really good price. As is 34MPG. If you get a 'fast' car you will never be anywhere near the estimated milage anyways, trust me on this
Stick with the proton, you know the car and know the quirks behind it. If you get a new car you end up with a car that you, or your Dad doesn't really know the history on.
If you want a 'fast' car MX5's will probably be too high in insurance for you.
I always told you get an srt-4 from the states, insurance group 8!